During last year I put my Flamingo(s) into several tanks to propagate it and to try it in different conditions. This one is from a low tech tank (in fact, most of my tanks are low tech). It is in approx. 40x25x25cm tank, without CO2 (never added), clay based substrate mixed with gravel, tiny hang-on filter and just a 9W bulb as a light. It is on the table near the window so it gets an “extra light” from there. Except of several Dennerle Cryptocoryne tabs (for roots) I do not fertilize it (my fish do the job).
I would say the results are satisfying. Plant is approx. 15 cm wide, healthy, quite pink and only old leaves tent to go brown/green.
Update, 2014,Feb 04:
Recently I measured some water parameters, so here they are:
- pH: 8,3
- EC: 830 μS/cm
- (GH: 17 dGH) / may not be very accurate
- (KH: 13 dKH) / may not be very accurate