Good news: Another 14 days passed and C. wendtii is blooming again. Actually this is 3rd spathe this summer. I can say it is almost regular, every 2 weeks.
And of course, some photo documentation:

A personal blog about Cryptocorynes, waterplants and fishkeeping.
Good news: Another 14 days passed and C. wendtii is blooming again. Actually this is 3rd spathe this summer. I can say it is almost regular, every 2 weeks.
And of course, some photo documentation:
Today I found out that my submersed Mi Oya has spathes – one quite big and one pretty small.
This article will be updated… (maybe later).
You can find my emersed Mi Oya here: Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’ – emersed – spathe
Update: Oct. 6th, 2012: Submersed Mi Oya went to bloom again – large and small spathe. (It was the same last time).
Update Jan 29, 2013:
I wanted to open the spathe but I have clumsy hands so this (above) is result. I hope to be more successful next time.
Since I do not have any macro lens, I made this (above) pseudo-macro photo using my close-up lens. It is a bit blurry.