“Crypt-Asia”: An unexpected journey… moving my Crypt tank

We have decided to paint a room (again), so I had to move my Crypt tank. To tell the truth I wasn’t really happy about that, because crypts were growing well (I think) and I was worried about my tank during the transport to another room. Luckily, everything went well. I am going to move it back next week.

Here are the photos of tank ready to transport (“Crypt-Asia”)… almost empty:

Moving my Crypt tank 29.7.2012 (1)
Moving my Crypt tank 29.7.2012 (1)
Moving my Crypt tank 29.7.2012 (2)
Moving my Crypt tank 29.7.2012 (2)

Cryptocoryne affinis

Cryptocoryne affinis is my oldest plant. I have it for more than 15 years and it survived everything it could. I like it for its variability. Sometimes it has got dark green leaves, another time it is bullated, etc…

Here is my emersed form of C. affinis (approx. 2.5 months old plant):

Cryptocoryne affinis 27.7.2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old
Cryptocoryne affinis 27.7.2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old


Update Jan 24 2013:

Cryptocoryne affinis (Jan 2013)
Cryptocoryne affinis (Jan 2013)