Emersed setup(s)

My emersed setups changed a lot in time. Baby steps – 4 liters pickle jar and several small pots for various plants. Then in approx mid. 2011 it was a 30 or 40 liters old and leaking tank. In 2012 I have changed it to another 40 liters tank and finally in mid 2012 (?) I used a 80 liters tank (current setup). But as you know it yourselves – it never is enough. Therefore I added several “temporary windows setups” – or lets call it DIY window domes…but they are becoming more permanent than temporary.

I am planning a new emersed setup, a bit larger (at least twice ?)…in the near future

My current setup is placed near window (but you cannot have too much light, right?), so I also use a Compact fluorescent light bulb (32 Watts, they write it is 2250 lm) with metal reflector all over. I have not found a perfect fertilizer yet, but I am using a local NPK fert or I mix it myself.

DIY window domes are placed on the window ledge.

As a substrate I used several mixtures – mostly mixture of clay, soil and flower soil.

Emersed setup - Oct 17 2013
Emersed setup – Oct 17 2013

There are just tiny plants due to the recent changes in light and nutrition. It will regrow soon.

October 2013

Emersed setup - Oct 03 2013
Emersed setup – Oct 03 2013
Emersed setup - window - Oct 01 2013 (1)
Emersed setup – window – Oct 01 2013 (1)
Emersed setup - window - Oct 01 2013 (2)
Emersed setup – window – Oct 01 2013 (2)
Emersed setup - window - Oct 01 2013 (3)
Emersed setup – window – Oct 01 2013 (3)

January 2013

Window emersed setup - cryptocoryne (Jan 2013)
Window emersed setup – cryptocoryne (Jan 2013)
Temporary window emersed setup - cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) - detail 1
Window emersed setup – cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) – detail 1
Temporary window emersed setup - cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) - detail 2
Window emersed setup – cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) – detail 2
Temporary window emersed setup - cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) - detail 3
Window emersed setup – cryptocoryne (Jan 2013) – detail 3



Emersed setup (Sept 2012)
Emersed setup (Sept 2012)
Emersed setup - Jan 2012
Emersed setup – Jan 2012

First experiments

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (emersed) May 29 2011
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (emersed) May 29 2011
Pseudo wabi-kusa - May 22 2011
Pseudo wabi-kusa – May 22 2011
First emersed setup - 4 litres pickle jar Apr 22 2011
First emersed setup – 4 liters pickle jar Apr 22 2011

Cryptocoryne albida (submersed) turns red

I have Cryptocoryne albida (or C. costata if you prefer) for some time. It grew quite big, but since I neglected my tanks during summer it was nothing fancy. Recently I have started to add CO2 and PMDD again and the results came quite quickly. New leaves are turning red/brown and the plant became huge.

It is placed in my tank “Metamorphoses“.

Cryptocoryne albida (submersed) Oct 17 2013 (1)
Cryptocoryne albida (submersed) Oct 17 2013 (1)
Cryptocoryne albida (submersed) Oct 17 2013 (2 - detail)
Cryptocoryne albida (submersed) Oct 17 2013 (2 – detail)


Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ in low tech tank

During last year I put my Flamingo(s) into several tanks to propagate it and to try it in different conditions. This one is from a low tech tank (in fact, most of my tanks are low tech). It is in approx. 40x25x25cm tank, without CO2 (never added), clay based substrate mixed with gravel, tiny hang-on filter and just a 9W bulb as a light. It is on the table near the window so it gets an “extra light” from there. Except of several Dennerle Cryptocoryne tabs (for roots) I do not fertilize it (my fish do the job).

I would say the results are satisfying. Plant is approx. 15 cm wide, healthy, quite pink and only old leaves tent to go brown/green.

Update, 2014,Feb 04:
Recently I measured some water parameters, so here they are:

  • pH: 8,3
  • EC: 830 μS/cm
  • (GH: 17 dGH) / may not be very accurate
  • (KH: 13 dKH) / may not be very accurate
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 15.10.2013 in low tech tank (1)
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 15.10.2013 in low tech tank (1)
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 15.10.2013 in low tech tank (2)
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 15.10.2013 in low tech tank (2)

Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis – submersed

A few months ago (April 25, 2013) I bought a gel culture C. crispatula var. tonkinensis. Since then I tried to convert it into submersed and emersed form. To tell the truth, I was not very succesful with my emersed trials. I planted several plants, but most of them died. Luckily, I still have one pot with tiny plants (and some submersed plants). I will try to replant it to another substrate and find a better place for it in my emersed setup (maybe I will be more successful this time).

And about submersed form. So far so good. But…It is growing really slowly. I am curious about submersed condition – how long can it last?

Link to gel culture form: Gel culture plants arrived

Some photos (please excuse low quality and algae – mainly because of low nutrition due to a lack of time)…

Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis - submersed (1)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis – submersed (1)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis - submersed (2)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis – submersed (2)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis - submersed (3)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis – submersed (3)

Photo update 6.11.2013:

Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis - submersed (4), (Nov 6, 2013)
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. tonkinensis – submersed (4), (Nov 6, 2013)