A few months ago (April 25, 2013) I bought a gel culture C. crispatula var. tonkinensis. Since then I tried to convert it into submersed and emersed form. To tell the truth, I was not very succesful with my emersed trials. I planted several plants, but most of them died. Luckily, I still have one pot with tiny plants (and some submersed plants). I will try to replant it to another substrate and find a better place for it in my emersed setup (maybe I will be more successful this time).
And about submersed form. So far so good. But…It is growing really slowly. I am curious about submersed condition – how long can it last?
Link to gel culture form: Gel culture plants arrived
Some photos (please excuse low quality and algae – mainly because of low nutrition due to a lack of time)…

Photo update 6.11.2013:

Wow! There are shrimps! Good luck!
Thank you, Michal. Shrimps are quite common in aquaristics nowadays.