Cryptocoryne cordata – spathe

I have been waiting the whole last week for Cryptocoryne cordata’s spathe to open. Luckily I did not miss it and made some photos this weekend. Spathe was approx. 13 cm long.

Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata - spathe (Aug. 31, 2014)
Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata – spathe (Aug. 31, 2014)
Cryptocoryne cordata  var. cordata - spathe detail (Aug. 31, 2014)
Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata – spathe detail (Aug. 31, 2014)
Cryptocoryne cordata  var. cordata - kettle (Sept. 1, 2014)
Cryptocoryne cordata var. cordata – kettle (Sept. 1, 2014)


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