Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ – new runners

(EN): Finally! After many months it started to produce runners. Today I found 9 tiny plants (submersed). I added this Crypt to my “Swap/trade” list.
(CS): Konečně! Našel jsem 9 malých rostlinek C. sp. ‘Flamingo’. Trvalo jí to několik měsíců… Přidal jsem ji do mého seznamu k výměně (Swap/trade).

For plant profile see: Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ – plant profile

Tiny Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Tiny Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012

Crypts don´t have vivid colors because they were in a shadow for a while (Flamingo likes more light than the other crypts). Under lower light the leaves are a bit brownish (or sometimes greenish) and looses its pink color.

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 12.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 12.5.2012

Update 21.7.2012:

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 21.7.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 21.7.2012

You can compare the same Crypt – more vivid colors due to a bit higher light intensity (well…I also used better camera).

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 28.5.2011 - more vivid colors
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 28.5.2011 – more vivid colors


19 thoughts on “Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ – new runners”

  1. Hi! How did you establish your C. Flamingo to submerse conditions? I want to plant it in my Low Tech aquarium too 🙂

  2. Barbara, greetings to Poland from the Czech republic.
    My first Flamingo(s) were already in submersed form when I got them from my friend. Later on I also bought a “cup” from Dennerle (in tissue culture). The most important was stable environment in my tank. Also nutrient rich substrate is a must. I had no need to add CO2. And of course do not forget to plant it on a “sunnny” spot in your tank.

    To be honest, I am preparing my tank for restart…also the conditions are not ideal so right now my Flamingos are not in the best shape.


  3. Thanks Michał!

    I ordered a cup from Dannerle, I will see how it goes. Did you plant your flamingos straight in the tank after you got them (the ones from ‘cup’)? I restarted my crypt-only tank a couple of days ago, and I’m expecting Flamingo to arrive next week.
    Fingers crossed for yours to get better – they looked amazing!

    Best regards,

    1. At first I thoroughly cleaned the plants (remove the ‘gel‘) and then I planted it. The plants are usually very soft so be careful during planting (and cleaning). After planting you have to wait, wait and wait and see how it grows.

      But…There is one difference – my tank was already established for quite some time. I am not sure how will these gel culture Flamingos react on recently restarted tank (I would not so much worry about already submersed ones, but these from the ‘cup‘ are much more sensitive).

      Oh, and one more thing. I got mine right from the shop the day they arrived. Long shipping does not usually suit to these sensitive plants (or lets say to any gel culture plants).

      I wish you luck. Please let me know (and any photos are welcome)


  4. Fortunately, my flamingos will be sent to me on the day they arrive from Germany, so that’s a plus 🙂

    You are right about the established tank… Well I will have to see how it goes.

    Thank you for all your help,

    1. And one more thing. I am interested in swap – I am looking for some species I don´t have. Do you have any?

    1. Thank you for sharing. I like your Asian River tank. An interesting reading and nice photos. Flamingo(s) look healthy, I think they will convert just fine.

      Do you plan to fill the foreground with C. parva(s)?

    1. C. bullosa and C. amicorum (C. minima?). You´ve made me curious. I was looking for them too. Where did you buy them from? I could find them only in the UK, I think.

  5. Thanks for nice comment about my tank, The foreground must to be left bare for my Stiphodons, they need space to “play” 😉 I live in the UK, and I got them from my local aquatic store (they are supplied by AquaFleur).

    1. In any case, you´ve made them a nice playground.

      I was thinking about ordering from the UK, but I am not sure that what they sell is C. bullosa. Please let me know with your success and whether you think it truely is bullosa or not.
      I think you know C. bullosa ‘wants’ pH close to 7 and heavy (really heavy) current (at least what I´ve read)…Most guys were using power heads or wave-makers to create appropriate current… I am just saying – I don´t know what current you have in your Asian River tank (you were writing about buying stronger filter… but I am not sure it is enough for true bullosa).

  6. Just for that purpuse (and to keep the sand clean) I have put a powerhead from my Aqua Szut Turbo 750 filter into the tank – it’s not pretty, but it does the trick 😉

    I will let you know how the plant will grow, right now it reminds me of emersed wendtii Tropica…

    1. Well planned. 😉
      Please keep me posted.
      When I saw the prize at some UK aquatic stores I was shocked (because it’s so cheap). There is something fishy …since this plant is difficult to cultivate. Who knows. Do you also grow Crypts emersed?

    1. Sounds great! But I am afraid it will be small for you very soon. 🙂 At first I started with pickle jars, then 40 liters tank, now I am having 80 liters tank + some small containers near the window and I have to say I need more. 🙂 I am going to move my crypts to a bigger emersed tank soon.

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