Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’

I have this Crypt 8 months already. Last 14 days I have been waiting for a spathe to develop and open. Today, it opened. Finally! Must say, really beautiful spathe. And look at those pretty leaves.

Used beech tree leaves and Seramis (clay based substrate), water pH approx. 4.5-5, and EC 250-350 uS/cm. (Another plant is in a pure beech tree mould.)


Cryptocoryne sp. 'Yellow ring' 'Bukit Ibam' (Nov. 20, 2014) - plant
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’ (Nov. 20, 2014) – plant
Cryptocoryne sp. 'Yellow ring' 'Bukit Ibam' (Nov. 20, 2014) - spathe
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’ (Nov. 20, 2014) – spathe
Cryptocoryne sp. 'Yellow ring' 'Bukit Ibam' (Nov. 20, 2014) - spathe
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’ (Nov. 20, 2014) – spathe
Cryptocoryne sp. 'Yellow ring' 'Bukit Ibam' (Nov. 20, 2014) - leaves
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’ (Nov. 20, 2014) – leaves
Cryptocoryne sp. 'Yellow ring' 'Bukit Ibam' (Nov. 20, 2014) - leaves
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Yellow ring’ ‘Bukit Ibam’ (Nov. 20, 2014) – leaves

Cryptocoryne bullosa ‘Sarikei’

A photo was taken just a few days after arrival…

Most of the time I am afraid I will kill the plants in my “care” so this is the reason why I take photos of freshly imported plants. Another reason is I want to compare leaves – imported/seller’s vs. in my care.

Cryptocoryne bullosa 'Sarikei' (Oct. 29, 2014) just arrived - detail
Cryptocoryne bullosa ‘Sarikei’ (Oct. 29, 2014) just arrived – detail
Cryptocoryne bullosa 'Sarikei' (Oct. 29, 2014) just arrived
Cryptocoryne bullosa ‘Sarikei’ (Oct. 29, 2014) just arrived

P.S. Wish me luck. Last time I got C. bullosa I was not successful. :-/

Cryptocoryne usteriana – another try

I guess it has been 2 years now since I got some C. usteriana from one tricky seller. I had doubts about its ID when I bought it, but I wanted to try it.

Now when I have met other collectors I was able to acquire C. usteriana again from someone more trustworthy. The plants come from a crowded tank, they grow one by one so they don’t have a lot of space and are still young. I expected the leaves will be more bullated and of course more red on the bottom side of leaves…and much more larger I guess. 🙂

Cryptocoryne usteriana (Nov. 2, 2014) - submersed - young plant
Cryptocoryne usteriana (Nov. 2, 2014) – submersed – young plant
Cryptocoryne usteriana (Nov. 2, 2014) - submersed - young plant - detail
Cryptocoryne usteriana (Nov. 2, 2014) – submersed – young plant – detail