And for the last time in this week, another spathe. This time my ‘Mi Oya’. I couldn’t find another spathe on the internet so I cannot compare it. I just bought it as ‘Mi Oya’, so I hope it is correct. If you find photo of spathe somewhere, please let me know.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’ – spathe – Aug. 2012
Finally also my C. wendtii has got its first spathe. I waited for almost one year (or so). Since C. wendtii has got many hybrids, I would describe mine as “broad leaved and kind of a huge”… but sure, it depends on conditions. 🙂
Cryptocoryne wendtii – spathe – Aug. 2012Cryptocoryne wendtii – spathe detail – Aug. 2012
I bought this crypt one year ago from Dennerle. It grew really huge (as you can see here). Finally, I found its first spathe. To be honest I nearly missed it, because my “crypt dome” was located in my old flat where I don´t go so often.
So, here it is. Colours are a bit pale and the limb is much more twisted than on Jan´s Crypt pages, but I think we have got winner.
Sorry for poor quality:
Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (1)Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (2)
Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (3)
Update Sept-20-2012: I missed a spathe of my C. beckettii (it already felt apart).