Cryptocoryne lingua – thriving

Cryptocoryne lingua (in my temporary window setup)

I got my C. lingua 3 months ago. It had 2-3 leaves for a long time. I was really surprised when I saw it making this nice “rosette”.  I am curious whether it will last (I am a bit skeptic).

(Photo is quite blurry, I will try to find a better one).

Cryptocoryne lingua (June 17, 2013)
Cryptocoryne lingua (June 17, 2013)

Oh, and also my H. pinnatifida grows well (It shares a pot with my C. affinis).

Hygrophila pinnatifida (May 18, 2013)
Hygrophila pinnatifida (May 18, 2013)

Small update – Crypts fighting plant pests

Emersed setup update
Recently, I wasn´t paying much attention to my setups, so it was a shock when I discovered that some Crypts have melted down and one of my emersed setup was full of some kind of plant pests (aphids?). I am not sure whether these Crypts have melted down due to a high temperature or it was a “work” of this plant pests. I have used some plant pest killer so lets see. Anyway, that were only leaves, plants in general look fine. No worries.

My other – temporary – setup is fine (there are high temperatures too, but without any trace of plant pests).