I have some Crypt Flamingo(s) to trade. All of them are submersed.
Pictures + plant profile here: Crypt sp. ‘Flamingo’
I am looking for Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Florida Sunset’.
Feel free to contact me on any sites mentioned here (Swap/Trade & Contact ) or directly on my email.
P.S. From time to time, I have also other Crypts to trade.
Month: October 2014
Cryptocoryne fusca – new in my collection
Cryptocoryne noritoi – new in my collection
Cryptocoryne ideii – new in my collection
Cryptocoryne hudoroi
Cryptocoryne striolata (West Kalimantan) – new in my collection
As I promised I enclose photos. These were taken just few days after arrival. I was very happy to find a fruit in shipment. After all I have never seen one (just pictures). The plants are already planted and a have new leaf. I put two of them into emersed tanks, and for the last one I have created a semi-emersed box.

Lagenandra thwaitesii
October 2014 update – new plants!
Yaaay! New plants, new species! In a past month a lot happened. Thanks to a colleague collector (thanks again) I was able to acquire C. ideii, C. fusca, C. noritoi, C. striolata (West Kalimantan), C. hudoroi + Lagenandra thwaitesii. All of them have been planted approx. 3 weeks ago and already have a new leaf. I am happy my collection is finally expanding. I will post photos in separate posts.
P.S. I had to get rid of some plants and some plantlets since I had no more space for them. One example is this really really full pot of C. spiralis. 🙂