Cryptocoryne affinis – “The Old Beauty”

Last week I paid a visit to my friend. He has got several tanks but what amazed me the most was the one with his Cryptocoryne affinis.

We can say it is a common Crypt that almost everybody had in his tank 10 or 15 years ago. But since it is quite hard to cultivate it in emersed setup (and submersed cultivation would be expensive), the plant nurseries supply this Crypt almost rarely. And that is a pity! See the picture to understand why. The photo is from his 10 or 15 years old – and still running – tank. Simple tank with quite large gravel (but to be honest well nutritioned by fish…), sponge filter with power head and some blue-ish tube above it (I will ask later what light did he use). The result – dark green leaves and I fell in love with them. I was told his affinis blooms quite often so I am looking forward to take a photo next time I have a chance.

Thank you, Karel.

Cryptocoryne affinis - The Beauty (Karel´s tank)
Cryptocoryne affinis – The Beauty (Karel´s tank)


Cryptocoryne affinis

Cryptocoryne affinis is my oldest plant. I have it for more than 15 years and it survived everything it could. I like it for its variability. Sometimes it has got dark green leaves, another time it is bullated, etc…

Here is my emersed form of C. affinis (approx. 2.5 months old plant):

Cryptocoryne affinis 27.7.2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old
Cryptocoryne affinis 27.7.2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old


Update Jan 24 2013:

Cryptocoryne affinis (Jan 2013)
Cryptocoryne affinis (Jan 2013)