Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ finally arrived!

My new Green Gecko Crypt arrived yesterday. It took 8 days from Hong Kong. Crypt seems to be fine… of course, some leaves melted, but overall it looks great.

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 7.5.2012 (just arrived)
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 7.5.2012 (just arrived)

Edit 12.5.2012: Already planted some Green Gecko(s)… I am going to give it a try in emersed form next week.

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ - just planted 12.5.2012
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ – just planted 12.5.2012

Update 29.7.2012: Green Gecko has got nice colours, new leaves are a bit reddish.

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 29-7-2012 (submersed)
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 29-7-2012 (submersed), 2.5 months old


For more photos of submersed Green Gecko see: ‘Green Gecko‘ gone wild! Gone red!


Edit 27.5.2012: Recently I have planted it also in a pot to try emersed form. Since 15.5.2012 (planted) it has got 2 new emersed leaves.

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ - planted 15.5.2012 (emersed)
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ – planted 15.5.2012 (emersed)

Update 27.7.2012:

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 27-7-2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ 27-7-2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ – new runners

(EN): Finally! After many months it started to produce runners. Today I found 9 tiny plants (submersed). I added this Crypt to my “Swap/trade” list.
(CS): Konečně! Našel jsem 9 malých rostlinek C. sp. ‘Flamingo’. Trvalo jí to několik měsíců… Přidal jsem ji do mého seznamu k výměně (Swap/trade).

For plant profile see: Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ – plant profile

Tiny Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Tiny Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012

Crypts don´t have vivid colors because they were in a shadow for a while (Flamingo likes more light than the other crypts). Under lower light the leaves are a bit brownish (or sometimes greenish) and looses its pink color.

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 1.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 12.5.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 12.5.2012

Update 21.7.2012:

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 21.7.2012
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 21.7.2012

You can compare the same Crypt – more vivid colors due to a bit higher light intensity (well…I also used better camera).

Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 28.5.2011 - more vivid colors
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’ 28.5.2011 – more vivid colors