And for the last time in this week, another spathe. This time my ‘Mi Oya’. I couldn’t find another spathe on the internet so I cannot compare it. I just bought it as ‘Mi Oya’, so I hope it is correct. If you find photo of spathe somewhere, please let me know.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’ – spathe – Aug. 2012
Finally also my C. wendtii has got its first spathe. I waited for almost one year (or so). Since C. wendtii has got many hybrids, I would describe mine as “broad leaved and kind of a huge”… but sure, it depends on conditions. 🙂
Cryptocoryne wendtii – spathe – Aug. 2012Cryptocoryne wendtii – spathe detail – Aug. 2012
I bought this crypt one year ago from Dennerle. It grew really huge (as you can see here). Finally, I found its first spathe. To be honest I nearly missed it, because my “crypt dome” was located in my old flat where I don´t go so often.
So, here it is. Colours are a bit pale and the limb is much more twisted than on Jan´s Crypt pages, but I think we have got winner.
Sorry for poor quality:
Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (1)Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (2)
Cryptocoryne beckettii – first spathe (Dennerle) Aug-15-2012 – year old plant (3)
Update Sept-20-2012: I missed a spathe of my C. beckettii (it already felt apart).
Cryptocoryne affinis is my oldest plant. I have it for more than 15 years and it survived everything it could. I like it for its variability. Sometimes it has got dark green leaves, another time it is bullated, etc…
Here is my emersed form of C. affinis (approx. 2.5 months old plant):
Cryptocoryne affinis 27.7.2012 (emersed), 2.5 months old
For some people this is a beautiful cultivar with pink colour, the others say it is a bizarre Crypt. In any case it is an interesting Cryptocoryne and in fact not very demanding.
Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’
Name: Cryptocoryne sp. ‘Flamingo’
Category: Cryptocoryne, Araceae
Height: approx. 10 cm
PH: 5.5 to 8 (*1)
Temperature: 22 ° to 28 °C (Dennerle)
Lightning: 0.3 – 0.5 watts/litre (*2)
Water hardness: Very soft to hard (*3)
Growth rate: Very slow (*4)
Difficulty: Easy
Origin: cultivar by Dennerle (*5)
Position in tank: foreground
(*1) Experience: I had no problems in water with pH approx. 7.5.
(*2) Experience: With higher light intensity and enough nutrition colours are more vivid. Under low light intensity leaves are greenish or brownish.
(*3)Experience: I was able to grow it in a very hard water.
(*4) Experience: In my case it took 6 months of waiting and then I saw first tiny plantlets. Of course as usual, it depends on lightning, nutrition, etc. As for the growth speed I would compare it to Cryptocoryne parva but any comparison is a bit tricky.
(*5) There are speculations about its origin.
Additional info:
Nutrient rich substrate (with Fe), CO2 addition and higher light intensity makes this Crypt true beauty.