I know it is a Crypt blog, but I am sure Araceae fans will excuse me. 🙂 Here is a photo of Lagenandra thwaitesii.
Author: keydoc
October 2014 update – new plants!
Yaaay! New plants, new species! In a past month a lot happened. Thanks to a colleague collector (thanks again) I was able to acquire C. ideii, C. fusca, C. noritoi, C. striolata (West Kalimantan), C. hudoroi + Lagenandra thwaitesii. All of them have been planted approx. 3 weeks ago and already have a new leaf. I am happy my collection is finally expanding. I will post photos in separate posts.
P.S. I had to get rid of some plants and some plantlets since I had no more space for them. One example is this really really full pot of C. spiralis. 🙂
Cryptocoryne auriculata getting “Tiger stripes”
I have Cryptocoryne auriculata “Tiger stripes” ´Julau´ for some time now (3 months). As the leaves got bigger it finally got its beautiful pattern. I can’t wait for a spathe. Hope it comes soon.
I was unable to take a photo of these pretty leaves during the day therefore this was taken in “low light condition” using just my lamp.
New addition – Cryptocoryne x purpurea (from Dennerle)
Not a long time ago a friend of mine told me about Dennerle’s new stock item (maybe it is in a stock for a long time, but I had no idea). As an impatient person I ordered some and planted it during this weekend. It was in a plastic pot, in vitro culture, so I had plenty of plants. Some are in emersed setup and the rest (well, most of it) went into my tanks.
I am not much of in vitro plants fan, but lets see how it goes.
Cryptocoryne cordata – spathe
I have been waiting the whole last week for Cryptocoryne cordata’s spathe to open. Luckily I did not miss it and made some photos this weekend. Spathe was approx. 13 cm long.
Cryptocoryne minima in blooming spree
When I cleaned my setups today and looked closely on my plants. What a surprise when I found spathes in both pots. In one pot, I even have three of them. Both pots are already full and plants have many plantlets.
Sorry for poor quality. Since I don’t have macro lens, close up filters lower the quality.
I guess I need to lower the humidity and vent it more to get rid of this algae/fungus.
Cryptocoryne minima, spathes in June & August 2014
Recently I uploaded a photo of unopened spathe. Here is the rest…
To tell the truth, I was expecting a nice red limb which I have seen on other photos. What a surprise when It had a yellow limb. It resembles me a photo on the Crypt pages labeled as “coll. NJ 3103, cult. B 371”. Anyway, I am happy it is thriving. So far it has flowered at least twice.
Plant development update (june 2014)
Just to document progress in growth I enclose a photo of my Cryptocoryne auriculata “Tiger Stripes” and Cryptocoryne sp. “Yellow ring”. Plants grew several new leaves and they seem to me to be in a good condition.
Sadly, C. auriculata still doesn’t have that nice tiger stripes pattern.
Collection update – Cryptocoryne bullosa and Cryptocoryne keei
Yesterday I got some new species for my collection. It is like having Christmas in summer. 🙂 My Cryptocoryne list expanded a little bit  – by Cryptocoryne bullosa and Cryptocoryne keei.
Temporarily they are placed in a plastic container with strong current, but I am redoing a small tank for them. I am curious whether I will manage to grow them. I am a little bit worried about Cryptocoryne bullosa.
Since the plants are tiny and not very distinctive, photos will come later.
Cryptocoryne minima is going to flower
Recently, a colleague collector wrote me a message about getting new species. Since I was curious whether I have something to trade I looked, looked closely on my Crypts and found out my Cryptocoryne minima is developing inflorescence. So far it is tiny and I am waiting at least fourth day to open, but It made me happy. The spathe is – as expected – approx. 1-1,5cm.
I will comment more on this topic when the spathe opens.
For now, a few photos.